Ambitious creativity is what allows Forrest Point to stand out among the budding movement of casual restaurants and bars in Bushwick. From its idyllic, arboreal front yard to its chic- rustic decor, to its playful exterior complete with psychedelic muraling and light-up signage, every inch of this converted gas station calls out to the imagination. From the street it appears like an oasis in the middle of the post-industrial landscape, and the dining experience echoes that notion. The space is as much a hip nighttime lounge as it is a neighborhood cafe, complete with a service window for convenient carry-out.

On the menu is some of the best cuisine that cast-iron cookware has to offer, an original take on Middle-Eastern cuisine that includes decadent burgers, a stand-out roasted eggplant sandwich with halloumi cheese, chicken fried oysters and Valrhona ganache s’mores with toasted marshmallows bursting out of the skillet. Alongside the inspired cocktail menu that includes Jets To Brazil, made with barrel- aged cachaça, there are innovate milk punches, complex concoctions made whole by a touch of dairy. These exceptional offerings provide the best way to enjoy a beautiful sunset over Flushing Avenue.